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E32001: First Details - Propeller Arena
Online play, voice chat, classic planes? This AM2 game has
it all!
May 17, 2001 - Sega is showcasing AM2 and Yu
Suzuki's Propeller Arena: Aviation Battle Championship in
playable form at its closed-off E 3booth. We haven't had a
chance to sink our teeth into the game, but what we saw from
afar certainly managed to impress. We'll be back with full
gameplay impressions shortly, but we thought we'd provide a
few facts on the game as revealed by Sega's press
Propeller Arena: Aviation Battle Online takes place in
the year 2045 and focuses on a series of nostalgic flight
contests set within futuristic settings. You chose a
character and join up with a flight team, then take off for
some promised intense aerial combat action.
Flight in this game is pure arcade style, with simple
control, power meters, special moves and continuous power.
To get you used to the gameplay, AM2 is planning on
including some "outrageous" mini games. We can imagine the
forms these games will take, although they probably won't be
crazy ala Crazy Taxi (this game isn't really crazy).
Online play seems to be the main focus. AM2 is equipping
Propeller Arena with spport for up to six simultaneous
Online players in team or battle royal modes. Like the
upcoming Alien Front Online ,Propeller Arena will feature
in-game voice chat allowing you to communicate with your
squadron and bad mouth your opponents. Sega tells us that
the game will ship with the microphone included (in
addition, we presume, to a package without the
Look forward to full impressions of this game shortly,
and check out this story for screenshots.
- Anoop Gantayat , Contributor
August 21, 2001 -UPDATED: 08-21-2001 Sometimes, I
wish the video game would merge with reality. More
specifically, it would be pretty dandy to have a real-life
WWII dog-fighting tournament where no one gets hurt just
like Propeller Arena . Of course, it would be pretty darn
difficult to have floating icons that power-up your
airplane. But hey, that's what the Dreamcast is for and if
the thought of blasting aerial buddies with an assortment of
artillery online, while talking trash as they parachute down
sounds appealing, welcome to the AM2's Propeller Arena set
to release later this month.
Select from eight different characters piloting five
different World War II aircrafts: P-51 Mustangs, P-38
Lightnings, Supermarine Spitfires, and the Messerschmitt
Bf109. Of course, each plane has their own attributes in
speed, power, and armor, but each pilot has their own set of
skills that will definitely make a difference when engaging
several enemies at a time. While there are a few different
battle modes, all revolve around the same idea: shooting
down as many planes as you can within the time limit. Just
like any deathmatch game, if you get shot down, you will
automatically be reappear in a random part of the arena to
battle again. Each of the arenas take place in all sorts of
places ranging from clear blue skies, huge canyons laid upon
a sunset backdrop, and even a stormy night around a
mountainous castle surroundings. There's no real boundaries
in these areas, but you are required to stay within the
arena; if you fly out of the boundary, the computer will
automatically take control of your plane and turn you
Having played the game a great deal, I'm quite surprised
that there's more than just reenacting your favorite Top Gun
scenes in this game. First off, there's great deal of items
to pick up that range from three different classes. Weapon
icons are the red floating icons that can give players
better machinegun fire, multiple missiles to fire, or even a
gigantic homing missile that slow trails the targeted plane.
Yellow area effect items can freeze every other players
controls temporarily, or reverse the controls of your
opposing planes. Then there are the green help items that
repair the damage to your plane, speeds up your plane, or
even gives your aircraft better armor. These are just some
of the items found floating in the sky, but you shouldn't
totally rely on them to win a match; they don't appear that
frequently and with up to six other opponents. So, you have
to rely on your own piloting and aiming skills. With that in
mind, it's a must that you keep your eye on three meters:
POW, Speed, and Damage. Speed obviously measures how fast
you're flying, and damage keeps track of how much damage
you've taken. The POW meter measures how much "juice" you
have left to pull tricks; in order to perform a trick, you
perform a motion with the Analog pad and press the trick
button (X). For example, to perform an ascending loop, you
would press down, up, and the X button. Every time you
perform a trick, your POW meter decreases (the POW meter
gradually refills over time). These tricks are necessary as
they enable you to dodge enemies and often get you into
better position against other pilots. Additionally, if you
want to compete in the Stunt Mode, it's good to know every
trick each pilot can perform. Each pilot has their own
assortment of tricks, so experiment with different pilots to
see what tricks you like best.
Although Propeller Arena has been really fun so far, I do
have a few gripes. First off, our newer version is still
running at a very solid 30 fps... but I know the Dreamcast
can go the full 60 fps, can't it? Secondly, the control of
your plane, while quite solid, is also rather simplistic;
unless the pilot can perform it, there's no way to get your
plane to roll and bank to make tighter turns. Sure, it's an
arcade-like flying game, but it would've been nice to
perform some of the more fundamental maneuvers. As of right
now, I have yet to go online to experiment with both the
online play and voice chat system, mostly because I haven't
had anyone to go online with. Of course, I'll have all the
details of online play and the voice chat system at the end
of this month.
- Anthony Chau , IGNDC
SEGA's AM2 Division has been extremely busy as of late.
In these times of the Dreamcast where developers have been
dropping DC projects that are nearly finished, Yu Suzuki's
team is still cranking out new and inventive Dreamcast
titles - 18 Wheeler American Pro Trucker being the most
recent. As if having Outtrigger and Shenmue 2 weren't
enough, AM2 is also bringing their unique take on the WWII
aircraft combat game, Propeller Arena and while the actual
gameplay isn't innovative, it's all the bonus online
features that will make any Dreamcast "Top Gun" fan very
Those familiar with a SEGA arcade game called Wing War
will know what to expect from Propeller Arena . The early E
3version that we played allowed us to select four different
WWII planes and we only had access to the Battle Royal mode.
Obviously, each plane has its own advantages in speed,
armor, firepower, and maneuverability. Once you've selected
your plane, you'll take to the skies automatically - no
worries of taking-off and landing - and engage numerous
enemies. In the Battle Royal mode, the player that gets the
most kills wins; if you get shot down, you automatically
"materialize" in the skies.
Visually, the game looks quite good; there are some
really nice explosive effects and the sensation of speed as
you're dogfighting can make you quite dizzy (in a good way,
of course). I do have to point out that the game was
currently running around 30 fps when playing in the
split-screen two player mode (the game also supports a four
player split-screen mode). That's not bad, but it would sure
be really sweet to see this game burn a fiery sky trail at
60 fps, so let's hope AM2 can get the game up to that speed.
For those that really want to get the full piloting view,
the game offers three camera positions: third person (behind
the plane), cockpit view, and first person view.
Gameplay and controls are a mix of simulation and arcade;
it's not unlike playing simulation mode in the arcade game
Wing War . For those that never touched that game in the
arcades, there are flying simulation mechanics of stalling
and you do have to watch your elevation because hitting the
ground is a bad thing that I've experienced a few times in
this game. However, the flight-sim aspects end there
especially when you see floating boxes in the air. Shooting
these boxes will reveal power-ups that include repair kits,
missile launchers, speed boosters, cloaking devices, and
many other unique items. AM2 really wanted to give you as
much control as possible over your aircraft, and at the same
time, they didn't want you to focus too much on wind speeds
or propeller torque. It's a nice balance and couple with the
great control, the game is quite a blast to play.
Obviously, Propeller Arena really shines when you're
hunting down your buddies. Though you could duke it out with
four buddies via split screen, the online play features are
the ones you should be setting your sights on. Though there
the final number of players has yet to be nailed down, the
game will definitely support up to six players online.
Additionally, similar to Alien Front Online ,Propeller Arena
will have mic features so that you can talk trash to any of
your online opponents. Hopefully, Propeller Arena will also
incorporate many team-based online modes so there's more
than just talking trash to your online opponents. Lastly, I
have to mention the music. Anyone who has played F355
Challenge or Daytona will know exactly what I mean by "butt
rock". Intense guitar riffs and laughable lyrics, the music
of Propeller Arena won't win any Grammys, but it certainly
adds to the atmosphere to the game. Due out in August, we're
looking forward to our first preview to come soaring in next
month, so stay tuned for more updates.
- Anthony Chau , IGNDC
Propeller Arena Release To Be Determined
SEGA has postponed the release of their World War II
airplane action title indefinitely
September 18, 2001 - It will likely to be one of
the most tragic moments in the history of the US. The
horrible terrorist attack that occurred in New York has not
only effected my personally, but will also affect our way of
life. Even in video games, the rippling effect of the World
Trade Center tragedy has affected SEGA, as they have
indefinitely postponed the release of Propeller Arena .
Here's the full statement from SEGA Corporation:
"Sega Corporation was greatly saddened to learn of the
terrorist attacks on the United States on Tuesday, September
11, 2001. Our deepest condolences go out to the families and
friends of those injured or who lost their lives in the
horrific events.
At this time, we have decided to postpone shipment of
'Propeller Arena' for Dreamcast. Although the game content
does not deal with terrorism in any way, it is possible for
a determined individual to deliberately play the game in a
manner that generates images similar to those we have seen
on the news. We want to avoid causing any additional grief
to those involved in this week's tragedy and feel this is an
appropriate action.
Again, our hearts go out to those affected by Tuesday's
tragic events."
- Sega Corporation
September 13, 2001
Anthony Chau, IGNDC
TGS 2001: Propeller Arena Flies Away For Good
Don't fret, American gamers. The Japanese have it worse this
time around.
October 18, 2001 - By now, you've probably heard
that Shenmue 2 won't be arriving for the American Dreamcast.
As Sega winds down Dreamcast support in favor of greener
pastures as a full-time third party, a few more nasty
cancellations have come into light.
The first one, if we read Sega`s statement correctly,
directly affects America. The company has announced that
Propeller Arena , AM2's voice-based Online dog fighting game
has been officially cancelled for the Dreamcast. As far as
we know, this affects all territories. The game was shown as
recently as AM2's Shenmue 2 unveiling event in August, in
full playable form. It seemed to be near completion.
The other cancellation only concerns Japan. Bizarre
Creation's Metropolis Street Racer , which has already seen
release in America and Europe won't be released to the
Japanese market. Sega has been tinkering with a Japanese
release date for the game for some time now; apparently,
this was all in vain.
Sega's reason for these cancellations, as well as the
cancellation of Shenmue 2 for the US Dreamcast?
"[We] want to protect the brand," said COO Tetsu
Let the futile petitions begin. Looking at the cup as
half full, though, we wonder where these games will end up
in the future: PS Poo, Xcrate or GameFlop (sorry... this is
probably my last chance to make fun of the competition)
- Anoop Gantayat , Contributor